Journey to the Galapagos Islands and Witness Nature's Marvels Up Close

It hit me all at once. The skills Mom gave me early on have served me well in my travels. Her fearlessness must be genetically imprinted. I am flexible and willing to try new things. She made sure I had or learned life skills to build resilience. A lot came to a head in the Galápagos Islands.
As I reflected on eight days sailing around the Galápagos archipelago, tears came. So grateful for the life I have lived and a few more years ahead to travel. While astrology is not a center point for me, my Piscean needs and craves water. Mom also made sure my swimming skills were strong.
Despite all my swimming, I had never:
swam in open ocean. I have until now preferred a beach with lapping water to take dip or lap swimming in a pool.
snorkeled or kayaked anywhere any time.
In eight days sailing around the Galápagos Islands I learned:
my strong swim stroke served me well snorkeling in bays full of waves and open water.
the worry of falling out of the kayak and into the ocean faded quickly.
and saw how volcanic eruptions formed this relatively new archipelago.
how endemic and native plants and animals arrive, grow, adapt and thrive on inhospitable land.
The volcanic explosions in the beginning allowed Darwin to discover natural selection and for Ecuador’s keen eye on preservation. Galápagos Islands a unique place. Animals arrive from faraway lands on the currents and adapt or die. Plant life varies by location, climate, where it landed. There are vast lava fields like Hawaíi. Mountains made from now hardened volcanic ash are covered in differing bands of green because of the moisture as the mountain rises into the sky. Other hills are completely devoid of any plants leaving room for countless bird species to launch, make nests, search for fish or defend territory.
As a solo traveler, connecting with like-minded people means I am never alone. This trip connected me deeply to our naturalist, Omar Medina and crew of the Siliva Reina Voyager. I was on board with 13 other travelers from the United States, United Kingdom and New Zealand. We learned and grew together. This journey to the Galapagos Island will be remembered as one of my most unforgettable journeys.
In this one place over the course of eight days – the Galápagos Islands are a wonder to behold. Enjoy the photos.
More detailed information on “how to” Galápagos Islands this week.