Many thanks to Pam Krueger from Wealthramp for inviting me to talk with her Terry Savage and Richard Eisenberg on Friends Talk Money podcast. We talked #solotravel on a budget and more.
Friends Talk Money Podcast
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Adventures in Housing
Here’s What It’s Like to Retire
on Almost Nothing
but Social Security
by Veronica Dagher and Anne Tergesen
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”With limited savings, the former nonprofit fundraiser had planned to work until at least age 65. But two years ago, with her 62nd birthday approaching, Talisman chose to call it quits, sell her belongings
and claim Social Security.”
My Biggest Retirement Mistake:
‘I Wish I Had Started Saving Earlier’
by Donna Fuscaldo photos by Jessica Pons
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Since retiring in August 2021, Talisman has been pursuing a lifelong passion for travel as a permanent nomad: globe-trotting on cruises, hopscotching among house-sitting gigs, and sharing solo travel stories and hacks on her website, blog and podcast, Where’s BabZ.
How Animal Lovers Can Get Free Vacation Accommodations
by Cari Shane for AARP
Travelers looking to pet sit websites and
apps to save on travel.
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”Since she began pet sitting, Talisman has honed her process. “I don’t do sits for less than three or four weeks unless I’m doing them in between a house,” she says, booking the long sits first, then shorter ones.”
Photo by Jessica Pons for AARP

Photo by BabZ