60+ and Thriving: Rediscovering Your Best Life

I belong to too many Facebook groups. As a solo, woman traveler (nomad) of certain age, I think I need those connections, travel information and general insights.
Recently, someone posted about their life “living in other people’s shadows” another said, “others are more than me.” Some are afraid to travel or can’t take care of their own financials. Widowers feel life has ended without their spouse who “took care of everything”. One recently shared they are afraid to take mandatory time off because they have no life outside of two jobs and grown children. I have met fellow travelers who can’t use their mobile phone or the internet.
I see these posts repeated often in groups of women 60+ solo travelers, home bodies, empty nesters, newly retired. I’m calling it the “Now What Syndrome”.
I am not special in my ability to figure stuff out or leaping believing a net will appear. I understand for many that is too much uncertainty.
Let me tell you, life is uncertain. How many of us have friends suddenly diagnosed with a life-threatening illness? A family member losing their house in a fire? Mothers who lost children through miscarriage?
Life is short. At our age, we have fewer years ahead then behind. If we don’t leap now, when will we, if ever? Carpe diem my friends.
Let me suggest most kindly, everyone has it in them to live the life they want or dream of.
EVERYONE deserves the life they WANT.
However, the life you want/deserve is not usually delivered to the door in a pretty package with instructions. And that maybe where folks get stuck.
OPPORTUNITIES and choices come around for everyone. They are inflection points. It is where the road divides between current and future life decisions. AND we CANNOT live in the past assuming what has happened will happen again.
“Above all, be the heroine of your own life, not the victim.”
Nora Ephron
As many readers know, I am divorced 17 years because my marriage and husband no longer brought me happiness. I had a successful career in nonprofits with my own consulting firm and at recognized nonprofits in the US and overseas. In 2021, I quit my job because my life, my job, my location was not serving me. I planned to travel but didn’t know I was retiring into a life of travel at the time.
What have you done to make your life your own? Please leave a comment below.
If I could reach through the screen and give you a hug or shake, I URGE to go seek the life you want. Do not let anyone get in your way. Find out how to get what you want. Please don’t let money get in the way or use it as an excuse. I have shared how I travel full-time leveraging my social security, small investment account (now spent after two+ years of full-time travel) and a low six-figure retirement fund. If I can do my life the way I want, so can you.
No matter what your dream is. No matter what you want from life.
YOU can make it happen. Carpe diem – life is too short.
Not in any order or the way I did it:
Commit to YOURSELF first – you deserve it
Change what needs to be changed now so your future is your own
Make short and long term plans
Take the first step. Whatever the first step will be for you.
Find your tribe
Ask for help
Make a plan (or not)
Give up being the victim
In the next post I will share what steps I took to change my life (more than once).
What steps have you taken? Please share in comments. Thank you!