Can you Retire to Travel Full Time? Absolutely! Join me on the road!
Are you wondering how and when you can to retire?
Do you want to retire to travel but don’t think you can afford it?
How much do you need to retire and travel?
Less than you think…….
Maybe. Like me. You’re a 60 something looking at what’s ahead of you. Face it, we KNOW there is less ahead than behind. I don’t see that as bad - we all have a time stamp.
Personally, I wasn’t hanging around until 70 to retire and maximize my social security payment. I wanted to travel while I’m still “young”, healthy, moving well and keep it that way for as long as possible.
The REAL question is HOW do we want to spend the rest of our time and budget - long and short term?

I quit my job at 61 to take a “break”. That break has become two years of travel. I finally admitted I’m retire AND I’m just getting started.
I am a single traveler without a permanent home. We’re called solo nomads. Who knew it was a thing? One of the ways I can afford to travel is because I don’t pay rent or for accommodations all the time. I purged everything I owned and travel with two suitcases and a backpack. I cruise, housesit, drive, tour and fly……
Please don’t assume I have millions. Let me tell you, that is NOT the case. My story could be your story. It’s all about HOW to leverage the resources I had or found. My goal is to travel well for less or free. That means I don’t camp, live in a van or stay in hostels. I have to be flexible, fail, learn and start again. Cliché, but true, it’s all about the journey. My blog, podcast and YouTune is all about sharing the how tos of solo travel on a budget.
Before I quit my job, I looked at my retirement account and a small investment account. I started receiving social security at 62. YES! Before I was 65 and eligible for Medicare! Deciding when to receive social security and Medicare is a VERY personal decision. You need to do what is right for you.
Here are some questions to ask yourself. Go ahead, get a piece of paper and pen or your laptop.
If you wait another five to ten years to retire - what will that mean for your travel/living budget, body and lifestyle?
What would you need to do or change to retire in the next year?
How much change are you willing to make travel a lifestyle?
What’s your willingness to flex, change and adapt?
Next blog post on leaving the US for a break that turned into retirement - sailing away to Mexico……..