How Do You View Change? Here's My Next Big Move

When life gives you a chance to step into something new or meaningful, do you say YES? Does change give you anxiety or excitement? We’re old enough to know change happens. And we know the only thing we control is our response. OR decide to get ahead of the change and make our lives the way we want it.

As I enter 65, I felt the need to make the change I wanted to see. This was deeply rooted in my need to give back during a time of great change in the United States. With more than 40 years of nonprofit fundraising experience I thought I could be useful.

Maybe my constant is change? How about you?

At 8 We got divorced (not a thing in 1968)
At 13 Mom took us around the US in a VW camper van. Read about it here.
At 21 I did Junior Year Abroad in Australia. More on that here.
At 28 I left Cleveland for a new job in Chicago then DC.
At 56 I was recruited to fundraise in Melbourne Australia for Monash University then Royal Children’s Hospital.
At 58 I returned to Las Vegas and recharged the scholarship and fundraising program at the College of Southern Nevada Foundation.
At 61 I made a bad decision to take a job during Covid in San Diego. Shortly after I left to travel, then retire and travel full time.
At 65 I am changing course again….next blog this week.

See a pattern here?

What changes have you seen in your decades on this planet?
What changes do you want to see today, tomorrow, next month or year?
What are you doing to make the change you want for yourself?

It’s Never Too Late to Pivot

If you’ve been hesitant to make a change, I can tell you, life is full of unexpected opportunities. Change can be big or small; good or bad.  We can CHOOSE to see change as a chance to write a new story for ourselves.

Your pivot might not look like mine. Maybe it’s starting something you’ve always dreamed of or saying yes to something you didn’t see coming. Stay open and trust that every opportunity holds potential – to change, grow, learn, step forward (or backward). You know my fav quote from John Burroughs:

“Leap and a net will appear.”

What’s Your Next Move?

It’s always your turn. Have you considered taking a new role, fresh challenge or exploring a different path? Share your thoughts in the comments and inspire someone by sharing this post. Send me an email, I love hearing from you! Think about what might be possible if you said YES?

Let’s explore the possibilities together and inspire each other to keep moving forward.

More on my next move this week! Stay tuned!


Why I’m Saying YES to a New Opportunity at 65


Never Write Yourself Off: How to Embrace Change and Look for New Opportunities